We…or should I say Rohin had his first “artistic expression” moment. He drew Mom some train tracks. They were great! Oh, did I mention they were on four white walls of our home! Brilliant!
Here in Bangalore apparently “Sunday Brunch” is a big deal, so we decided to give it a go. We went with some other expats and their families to a very fancy hotel and had “brunch”. The brunch was good, a little over priced, but we had mimosas and ate fancy food. I have to say there is still nothing like the Pancake House back home! The kids had a great time. Rohin tried cotton candy and ran around in the garden area. Veda ate ice cream and loved every bite.
We also decided to venture out with some friends we met here in Bangalore. Joanie and Pete are from San Francisco and have a beautiful daughter named Isabel. Rohin and Veda have become very good friends with them. So, we put the kids down and headed out for dinner. On our way we saw a local club that looked very interesting. Half way through our dinner we decided that we would hit up the local joint! After a few cocktails we were ready to try it out! As we pulled up to “Fuga” we noticed the people that were coming in and out of the club. Honestly, we could have been in Detroit, everyone was dressed in very Western styles. After paying the 500 rupees ($12.50 US) each, we walked into a red tunnel that was filled with a cloud of smoke! (And just like the good ol’ days, I will smell like an ashtray when I leave.) As we walked in, Martin and Pete went to get drinks and paid $75 US for four drinks. The import prices are great! To give you the short version…it was very crowded, very smoky, some guy was doing hip thrusts as a dance move, and we had a good time! Definitely worth going once and definitely was like every club back home except for more of my kind of people J Our first club in Bangalore was a success. Oh yeah and we were home and showered by 12:30 am. Everything here closes at 11:30 pm, so a little different than home.

Martin got his first haircut in India! He needed it…we all needed him to get his hair cut. If we had to listen about another story of his long hair!! Just kidding! Five US dollars later “Prakash” had hooked Martin up with a head massage and a sweet new hairdo! Yahoo!
On the way out to visit a school for Rohin there was a temple. It was for Lord Hanuman. Rohin and I (well, more me) decided we would go in and check it out. My driver pulled up to the temple and as I got out (with my shoes), I noticed my driver taking off his. So, I asked him “Ummmm…Krishna, why are you taking off your shoes?” and replied “because you can’t walk in with them”. Now mind you…I know this rule. I grew up with this rule, but outside of the temple! Outside….100 feet from entrance! Outside…where there is goat, cows and stray dogs hang out! Let’s just say the answer was yes. So, Rohin and I took off our shoes and left them in the car. As I set my bare foot on the sandy and rocky earth I saw two things…one, my driver watching my every move to see if I was going to freak out (I didn’t!) and two, a pile of who knows what right next to the car. Every step was very calculated all the way to the entrance. I didn’t make a face because I didn’t want to be disrespectful, but WOW I have to say I don’t think I could have done that in any other circumstance! My first time on Indian soil without shoes was definitely worth it!
You guys look like you're having such an adventure! Ro-nice tracks you drew buddy! I miss playing cars with you! V-you look very cute with "my man"! Love and miss you guys!!!
Just wanted to let you know that I miss the Pancake House, too. And we don't live in India - we live in Lake Orion. (Which seems worlds away from Birmingham as far as going out to breakfast is concerned!)
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