Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. It's strange to think that we are not going to be home, but we are going to make the most of it here! We have bought a Christmas tree here in India. Our Indian tree is so cute! I will keep this entry short...just want to say Merry Christmas and that we miss everyone very much. Thanks for reading our blog...it's nice to know that people remember us way over here. Be safe and enjoy your family and friends.


The Hayes

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nana has arrived!

Well, at 4:15 in the morning Nana arrived. It honestly was like a dream. When Martin came in and said "wanna say hi to your Dad" I sprang out of bed and tackled him. Seriously, I couldn't hug him hard enough :-) He looks GREAT! Then we tucked him in bed and we all got 3 more hours of sleep until...Ro and V woke up at their usual 7:30 am. I told them about who was here. It's like they didn't believe me. Then when I took them in the room Veda was scared and Rohin wouldn't come in. So, we didn't push it. I honestly think they didn't believe it was him. Then as we were eating breakfast and Nana was still in the bedroom, I said that Nana wasn't here and then the fun began. They ran back in the room just to make sure and basically haven't left his side all day.

I am seeing a side of Ro that I haven't seen in a while. He was playing show off and following my Dad everywhere. It is the sweetest thing in the world. I saw them hanging out on the monkey bars and my Dad was saying something and Rohin was listening to every word like he was talking about Thomas the Train.

Everytime you see Veda she says...Hi...look Nana here! Too everyone. It's awesome.

Today was a great day! It's like a big piece of home has come to India! Nana has arrived! Yahoo! Let the shopping begin for Rishi and Shreya's wedding!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Mal Dives...Somewhere in the Middle of the Ocean

All I can say is amazing! The trip started out with an airplane ride from India to the islands. From there we took a sea plane to another island and THEN a boat to our island Kuredu! The kids were troopers during all this traveling. After we got off the last plane...Veda actually said "one more plane?" (you have to imagine her shaking her head like a true Indian using her index finger that is bent just a bit).

We had a wonderful beach villa where we could sit in lounge chairs and watch the kids play in the sand in front of the ocean. Yes, it is the Corona commercial...oh, but it was plus Rohin and Veda.

Martin went scuba diving and wake boarding. Rohin and Veda got sand in every corner of their bodies and swam in every location possible! We saw lots of fish and got lots of sun! It is an amazing place!