It's official...I have a four year old. I am not sure why, but this one seems to be a big deal not only to me, but to Ro too. His answer to most everything is..."I am four that is why". Clearly, that is a good explanation.
We celebrated Rohin's birthday (and mine too) this past weekend with his friends from our neighborhood. His Nani was here too...thank goodness because I thought I was going to loose my mind that week with everything that was going on!
We have a good little group of kids who are "my friends" as Rohin says. We made some apps and desserts to eat. We also rented a bouncy thing and a popcorn machine for $90 US. Both were a hit with the kids. It's funny that something as simple as popcorn can make a kid scream out loud. I am not kidding they were running for the machine like I said "free toys". Anyway, of course, with everything in India there was a little drama. Long story short, we had the bouncer in the street and wasn't suppose to be there. It didn't spoil our fun though, so I guess that is all that matters.
So, the next morning we woke up and opened gifts. I have to say this was a big shocker for me. I was ready and positioned for the fight to break out. In one corner Veda V and the other Rohin Ross. I swear I was going to have to step in every two seconds, BUT the complete opposite happened. They shared, they laughed and they opened gifts. TOGETHER. It was a very proud moment. When Martin asked Rohin if Veda could open a gift. He replied "Yeah, of course". Come on you have to love it. Oh and yes...we did end the last gift in a brawl. WHAT? You can't expect perfection!
Rohin also had a birthday party at school. All the kids sang happy birthday...yes, Vic Indian style and it was awesome! Rohin enjoyed his day. He even wore a crown! I was expecting him to take it off right away, but the crown stayed on.
So, one of the big stories in our community last week was that Rohin was riding his bike....with NO training wheels. It is the sweetest thing to see the big kids look at Rohin and say "I am SO proud of you Rohin." The first day Rohin rode around telling all the big kids that he was just like them. I have to tell you as a Mom watching your kid riding a two wheeler really kind of choked me a bit. Okay, yeah, I cried, but whatever...he rode his bike all by himself! It was SO amazing! It was like the first sign of independence. Let me tell is scary because now he wants to go riding all the time around the neighborhood with the big boys. Well, that is fine and all except for I am usually running after him with flip flops on...and oh yeah Veda hanging from one hip. It's really fun! Anyway, bottom line, he is an amazing little...excuse me, big boy and he is VERY proud to be two wheelin'.
Here are some other random things about Ro:
-He is slowly saying some words 'differently' like wah-ta (water with an English accent)
-He can finally go to the bathroom by himself...NICE! Only number one, but hey, I will take it!
-He protects his sister. One day someone said "Watch out for the baby" to Veda and Rohin replied VERY seriously..."She is NOT a baby. She is my sister".
-He is starting to like Transformers.
Happy Birthday Rohin!
Aww happy birthday Rohin! I'm SOOO impressed with his biking skills! Nathan (5) and Lance (4) tell me they are too scared to ride w/o training wheels! Great job kid!! Happy birthday to you too Charu! Love reading all of the updates!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHARU-BIG MAMA AND RO. What a great party....wished I could have been there....what fun...big bouncy and popcorn. Ro and V will have a new special relationship now that he is 4...I see that he is already being protective.....they might also cooperate more. I am glad that Martin is running after Ro and Nani is enjoying herself. Suraj also had his birthday 1/19-turned 9....we had a great time bowling. Take care
Happy belated b-day, Rohin! (I love the pic of Martin running after the bike.) :)
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