We just returned from Singapore on Tuesday. What are great city!!! Clean, easy to travel, LOTS of malls for shopping, good food, lots of things to do and two kids who were up for the vacation (most of the time). The weather was extremely humid, so that made it a little hard, but you could catch a taxi or train anywhere in the city, so it was no biggie.
Singapore is definitely the complete opposite of Bangalore, so it was a nice break for sure. As you can see it's lots of tall buildings and interesting architecture. I am not going to bore you with the extensive detail what we did...instead the following are what we all liked the best...
What Rohin and Veda Love about Singapore:
-Plane ride in our pajamas.
-Riding the underground trains.
-Bunch of hula-hoops at the museum.
-Live music near the river.
-McDonalds...yes, between that and Burger King the kids were happy.
-The clock in our hotel - had to make a stop everytime we left.
-Night Safari - It was really cool!
-Water Fountains in the malls. Lets just say we spent WAY TOO MUCH time at these.
-Boat ride to a near by island - Pulau Ubin
-Riding on the back of bikes with Mom and Dad.
-All the lights of the city at night.
-A water fountain where they both proceed to get soaking wet.
-Skittles - they would do anything for a Skittle!
-Riding elevators and pushing the buttons.
-Escalators - any and all in the malls
-Cable cars to Sentosa Island
-Underwater world Aquarium
-The beach
-Singapore Flyer - big giant ferris wheel.
-Sitting in our hotel room to rest and watching Aladdin. I am not exaggerating when I say that we watched the movie at least 10 times in 5 days. AWESOME! "10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck!"
What Martin and Charu Love About Singapore:
-Fresh fish on Pulau Ubin!
-Sushi at the Japanese diner
-Riding Bikes on the island
-Empty subway car
-Random street dancers in the subway transfers
- Halloween in another country was interesting - it's just not the same though!
- Gimmick of the "Fish Spa". Basically, these fish eat the dead crap on your feet
- Mexican food! With real cheese!