Friday, July 25, 2008

We Are Fine. I received a text page "Four bombs exploded in the city. Please go home if you are out." I don't know who the text was from, but I just got to the hotel and I turned on the news. Long story short...a bunch of "low intensity bombs" went off in Bangalore today. Kind of crazy to think since the area they went off in is only 10 miles from us - just a Target store away. Anyway, everything on our side of town is okay, but I have to say it does make you think how lucky we all are everyday.


Katya said...

Glad to hear you're safe.

Amisha said...

Thanks for keeping us updated b/c I was worried and thinking about y'all. Be careful.

Sheri said...

I am so glad to know that you are all safe (and still enjoying Thomas the Train). Keep smiling and know we are all thinking about you!!!