Blurb from Martin: It has been a circus of appliance people, relocation people, maids, drivers, plumbers, cable installers, internet installers, phone installers, electricians, gas connection specialists, water softener people, guys who deliver bolts, dudes who carry tools, women who bring air, the lady who brings grass seeds, some young guy that delivers sand one grain at a time.
Oh and if someone says they are coming at 11:30 am that could mean either 11:15 am or 3:30 pm. I guess what I am saying that no service people come when they say they will, but hey, it’s cool. It’s just how it is and things are getting done one item at a time.
We have also found someone to help us with the house. She is wonderful. I swear without her I would still be in boxes. She has been cooking Indian meals for us and getting us organized. She worked with the family before us, so she is familiar with the house which has helped since she knows where all the light switches are and knows how to use the stove. So far so good with her…hopefully everything works out.
So…We watched the ESPYs. I told Martin while we watching that I felt like we were home. Mind you, we are sitting on our dining room chairs in an empty room, with marble floors, and headphones on watching TV through a slingbox in front of our computer. We had a really blurry picture with the sound cutting out every second, but it felt like we were home until…the power would go out every 5-10 minutes and then I was in India again. The End. Oh and by the way…JT is a babe. (Kris that was for you).
I love seeing where you live. The marble floors are CRAZY! Glad to see you guys are settling in.
It is nice to see where you live and all, but really... how could you post that pic with Martin in that outfit???
Wow! I'm still hung up on the marble floors. With 2 active kids dressed in socks, has this become a problem yet?
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